2018 HA Award KB and JA

Kristen Bell, Josina Anderson, and Dominique Moceanu-Canales Honor 23 Gymnasts in Their Fight Against Abuse

The Foundation for Global Sports Development presented a historical event honoring heroes in gymnastics.

“These gymnasts have been fighting hard…for all of us. Fighting the men that abused them, but also, and maybe more importantly, fighting the silence.”
– Kristen Bell, Actress and Advocate

(Beverly Hills – April 29, 2018) On Saturday April 28, the Foundation for Global Sports Development hosted their biennial Humanitarian Award Event at the Waldorf Astoria in Beverly Hills, CA. Former athletes, paralympians, and advocates of the cause all joined forces to support these courageous women of the gymnastics community.

“Let’s start by listening to, honoring, and supporting a movement that seems to hold all of us accountable. “ – Dr. Steven Ungerleider, Vice President FGSD

Kristen Bell and Josina Anderson take a photo with the group of Humanitarian Award honorees.

The Foundation for Global Sports Development Humanitarian Award is presented to individuals and organizations that have stepped up as leaders and champions for equality, or social, economic, political, or environmental justice. This award honors those who actively fight against indifference, injustice, and intolerance.


Present to accept the 2018 Humanitarian Award on behalf of all of the survivors were:
• Alexis Alvarado
• Christina Baker Barba
• Larissa Boyce
• Charmaine Carnes
• Amy Compton
• Denise Gallion
• Megan Ginter
• Trinea Gonczar
• Megan Halicek
• Christine Harrison
• Sarah Klein
• Monica Lenches
• Anne Malver
• Sabrina Mar
• Morgan McCaul
• Emily Meinke
• Emma Ann Miller
• Alexis Moore
• Danielle Moore
• Jessica Smith
• Heather Stevenson Kelly
• Amanda Thomashow
• Makayla Thrush

Not a dry eye was in the house. More than 125 guests attended this intimate red carpet cocktail reception and gala. Honorees opened up about their experiences with Doug Boger and Larry Nassar, further displaying their badge of courage. The bond that was felt amongst these sister survivors provided a feeling of sincere strength that attendees will hold in their hearts forever.

In addition to recognizing the survivors with the prestigious Humanitarian Award, the foundation has designated $1 million to develop a nationwide abuse prevention education program. The foundation’s leaders, David Ulich and Dr. Steven Ungerleider, share a vision for every child to experience the joy of sport in a safe environment. This program will be launched in collaboration with Childhelp, an international leader in child abuse prevention and awareness.


“When women speak up about certain things it makes you reflect about things that happen in your own life that you put in the past and it gives you courage to speak up on things you’ve been through.” – Josina Anderson, Emmy Award Winner and ESPN NFL Insider

Josina Anderson shares a heartfelt message to the honorees of the 2018 Humanitarian Award from The Foundation for Global Sports Development.
From L to R Paul Malingagio, Melanie Raffle Armenti, David Ulich, Kristen Bell, Dr. Steven Ungerleider





Learn more about the Foundation for Global Sports Development by following
them on Instagram at www.instagram.com/globalsportsd and by visiting www.globalsportsdevelopment.org

About Global Sports Development

Working closely with international sports federations, generous
donors and committed athletes, The Foundation for Global Sports Development promotes
sportsmanship, education, fair play and ethics among the world’s youth. The Foundation gives
special emphasis to groups and communities that are most in need or most underserved by current
programs, including women, minorities and youth. Visit www.globalsportsdevelopment.org to learn

About Sidewinder Films

The Foundation for Global Sports Development founded Sidewinder Films,
a 501(c)3 film production company, in furtherance of their mission to support initiatives that
promote fair play, education, and the physical and developmental benefits of sports for youth
around the world. Sidewinder Films seeks to bring the positive messages of sport to people through
films which touch lives, tell remarkable stories, and create a lasting impact. In addition to sportsrelated
themes, our film topics include end-of-life care, doping and its effects on the body and
society, and maintaining emotional well-being throughout life transitions.