Sebastian Coe – Fair Play Awardee

Lord Sebastian Coe’s exceptional career sets an example to young generation of athletes.

Post Card_Sebastian CoeHaving left his mark on the history of athletics in the venues, Sebastian Coe continued to carve out the steps of a ladder leading him towards the highest of destinies. He established himself as an exceptional athlete in 1979 becoming the first one to hold simultaneously the World Records for the 800 metres, the 1,500 metres, the mile and one year later the 1,000 metres. After finishing second in the 800 metres during the Olympic Games in Moscow (1980), he won the gold medal for the 1,500 metres, a title that he was the first to defend on that distance at the Olympic Games in Los Angeles (1984). Following his retirement from athletics, his success continued both in political and sports institutions. Under his leadership as Chairman of the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the event was unanimously acclaimed a success.

The CIFP annually awards prestigious prizes to support and promote fairness and equal opportunity and to formally support people and organisations that have championed fair play. Great personalities are honoured for an act of fair play by complying with both the written and unwritten rules of sport, for an activity aiming to promote fair play, such as the organisation of national or local campaigns, lectures, books, articles or reports in the media, and for a general attitude of sportsmanship throughout a sports career marked by an outstanding and constant spirit of fair play. Lord Coe has set an excellent example of sportsmanship. Fair play is the spirit of a champion both on the sporting field and in everyday life.

Take me back to Fair Play at the Youth Olympic Games.

Learn more about fair play at the International Fair Play Committee’s website.